open Mic night tomorrow.intern opportunities blown

Not able to form a sentence for the conversation about whatever is frustrating I have a slight speech impediment and I can't remember what I was talking about at the heightened plot the ..see I can't remember what it's called the important middle of my talking to the's supposed to be brain fog free when you get better from ailments and off the gateway drug I had  been keen on the benxos and forcing by system the ssris... Damn memory is not good enough for me to be able to get a goal of mine met . My goal of slamming or spoken word I've secretly been practicing for years in the parks and forest trails when I nature hike. Anything about memory help and memorization skills the how tos? Please add a comment to help a suggestion for me thanksπŸ™ 
Possibly a personal performance at Bronson center Friday night at 5. PM. 211 room. On the pso calendar creative Cafe is every third Friday at 5 it's a way to let you explore the artist all the mental health and addiction clients are welcome to get the strength to get a hold of the stage and perform their stories poetry music and instruments. Hope to see you tomorrow night πŸ’—


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